
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA August 2018 - Present

Ph.D. Candidate in Operations Research

Advisors: Dr. Martin Savelsbergh, Dr. He Wang

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA August 2020

Master of Science in Operations Research

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY. May 2018

Honors College

Bachelor of Science, Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Activities and Leadership

  • INFORMS Georgia Tech student chapter officer (Present)

  • Tau Beta Pi NY NU Chapter President (2017-2018)

Teaching Experience

Georgia Tech

ISyE 3044 Simulation Analysis and Design (2018)

Teaching Assistant

· Held weekly office hours, proctored exams, and assisted in grading.

University at Buffalo

EAS 140 (Fall 2015-2016)

· TA’s assistant for introductory engineering seminar/lab.

· Served as a mentor and main point of contact for 2-3 groups of 4 freshman engineering students.

EAS 202 (Spring 2016-2017)

· TA’s assistant for engineering impacts on society seminar/lab.

· Served as a mentor and main point of contact group of ~10 engineering freshman.